Sunday, October 21, 2007

Chimayo Valley

6x8 cotton canvas panel
$75(email me if interested)

After two days in Santa Fe, I took off on what they call the High Road to Taos. This scenic road takes you through Indian pueblos and small villages where artists and craftsmen live and work along side families that have lived there for centuries. The high cost of living in Santa Fe and the beautiful countryside is why the artists have relocated in these quaint small towns. The landscape along Highway 98 takes you through the rolling high desert hills that are spotted with juniper and sand hill formations. Every turn on the road makes you want to stop and take a picture. Chimayo is famous for its apple orchards, weavers, and the ever famous Chimayo chile. I stayed at a wonderful B&B in Chimayo. More about it when I post my painting of their wonderful apple orchard.

1 comment:

Don Gray said...

Nice painting, Kim. You've caught the color and that sharp, dry light of the southwest that I remember so well from living in Arizona.